Last week we visited a new restaurant at Hyderabad which has been getting good reviews. Its a restaurant with wide open spaces, tall ceiling and a place where every employee moves with a purpose. My dad had warned me that the dosa will take a long time to arrive. But we still went ahead for it.

We passed the time drooling over the kitchen where the masters seemed to be enjoying their work. The master took more time to clean the “tawa” than the time it took to make the dosa. By this time I am sure you are wondering how is this relevant? I am not hinting that you should have dosa’s on Mondays. It will definitely not hurt though :-).

For many amateur athletes with a loaded weekend, Monday’s tend to be recovery days. The sincere ones may find it a little difficult not to get to the usual regime. Well to be fair even the not so serious may find it breaking the rhythm.

The reason why we want the recovery is that our body adapts during rest. Its a pause for the muscles to heal & grow. This pause will enable us to have another week of activity while reducing the chances of injury and improving the productivity of the workouts lined up.

Most of us know it, but still find it bit disturbing. Here are a few tips that might give you a different perspective and make it easier to follow.
1. Think of it as a warm up for the week ahead. Use the day to focus on some of the things outside of training – shopping & cooking food for the next few days, fuelling & hydrating well or on the contrary doing a longer Intermittent Fasting period (I find it the best day as we are at work to keep us engaged, but not tired to enable us to survive the fast), catching up on longer sleep, doing some breathing & meditating, getting a massage.
2. It can also be used to analyse the workouts of the previous week and look at the workouts for this week and be prepared.

Do you have any other hack for Monday’s? Do let us know.