Rapha Festive 500 is a challenge that cyclists look forward to every year since 2010. I was exploring new ways of making this challenge interesting for 2024 and started thinking. “Festive 500” – i have often focused too much on the 500 and less on the first word “Festive”. How can something that is festive be done alone? What if this 2024 Christmas we challenge people to bring tons of smiles along those 500km? Like a cyclists version of “paying it forward”.
So here is my take on this challenge – engage with people and bring about a few smiles & bring some profound changes to challenge yourself as you cover those 500km. Some ideas below, but spin your version and there are no limitations
- Enable a friend, colleague, relative to embrace an active lifestyle. Take them on rides or treks or walks
- Pay for breakfast for a needy person
- Talk to your usual naariyal paani vendor, tea shop guy or fruit vendor & bring a smile on their faces.
- Here is a real life incident we came across recently – One night, our friend & former colleague Chitti Babu went home late, even though he had to return early the next morning for an event we were supporting. We joked about how he could have saved time by staying near the venue, but Chitti shared why he was glad he went home. On his scooter ride back, he noticed a young couple struggling to walk, the man carrying a heavy bag and the woman visibly exhausted. After stopping to talk, Chitti learned they had 15 km left to walk home because they couldn’t afford the bus ticket. He offered them a ride on his scooter and even bought dinner for them. Chitti said it was a deeply satisfying experience and that he was grateful for the chance to help them. As he narrated this, it brought a smile to his face along with a couple of tears. We hope this “Festive 500” brings smiles to you and others.
- Here is some pay it forward ideas from the web https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/the-kindness-blog/2917-50-ways-to-pay-it-forward
This will be tracked on a honour system but capture the smile on the camera and tag it on Instagram with #festive500smiles with your story & strava ride details. We (& the universe) will reward the most touching stories with goodies.
Foot notes
- We want this challenge to be widespread and inclusive. So it’s ok if as an individual you don’t clock 500km. Try to cover the distance as a group of people you have influenced.
- Register for the event on strava (link) & fill up the form
- Tag “#festive500smiles” on all the instagram posts showcasing the smiles & stories